Privacy Policy

Dear Client,

pursuant to current legislation on the protection of personal data (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – GDPR and Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and supplements), we wish to inform you that the processing of your personal data is carried out correctly and transparently, for lawful purposes and protecting your privacy and your rights. Therefore, in compliance with the aforementioned legislation, and in particular in compliance with art.13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, we hereby provide you with the following information:

Methods of processing.

Data processing is carried out both by electronic means (including through our website: ( and with the aid of hard copy records in order to carry out the services offered.

Nature of the data processed.

If you sign up as one of our contacts or if you request news or buy our products, we will process your personal and fiscal data, as well as the economic data necessary to establish relations between you and our company. We do not generally process any sensitive or judicial data, but if this becomes necessary, we will only do so with your prior consent.

Purposes and methods of carrying out services.

1) acquire and confirm your bookings for accommodation services and ancillary services, and provide the requested services. For the management of payments, your data may be disclosed to third parties, banks and financial entities. In the case of event management, SIAE procedures are carried out on behalf of clients. Considering such data processing is necessary to define the contractual agreement and its subsequent implementation, your authorisation is not requested, except in cases where sensitive data is provided, pursuant to art. 9 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. In the case of refusal to submit personal data, we will be unable to confirm the booking or provide the requested services (art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Processing of your data will cease upon your departure, but some of your personal data may or must continue to be processed for the purposes and in the manner indicated as follows;

2) to communicate, by law, the personal details of our guests to Local Police Authorities, for public security purposes, pursuant to the Decree of 7 January 2013 by the Italian Ministry of the Interior, as well as the insertion of their data on the ricestat online platform. The submission of data is mandatory, and does not require your consent (art. 6, paragraph 1, letter c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and in the case of refusal to submit data we will be unable to host you at our facility;

3) to comply with current administrative, accounting and tax requirements. For such purposes, your explicit consent is not required to carry out data processing (art. 6, paragraph 1, letter c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Data is processed by us and our representatives, and is disclosed to external parties solely to fulfil our legal obligations. In the case of refusal to supply the data necessary for the above-mentioned requirements, we will be unable to provide the requested services. The data collected for these purposes is retained in our records for the period required by current legislation (10 years, or longer in the case of tax assessments);

4) to speed up registration procedures in the event of future bookings at our facility. For this purpose, subject to your consent, which can be revoked at any time, your data will be kept for a maximum period of 5 years and will be used when you are once again a guest at our facility, for the purposes referred to in the previous points;

5) to allow you to receive messages and telephone calls during your stay. For these purposes, your consent is required. You may withdraw your consent at any time. Such processing will in any case cease once you have departed;

6) to send you promotional messages and updates on our prices and offers. For this purpose, with your consent, your data will be kept for a maximum period of 5 years and will not be disclosed to third parties. You may withdraw your consent at any time;

7) with prior consent, to manage any needs related to accessibility, through health-related information collected from the data subject, with reference to any physical needs (for example in the case of limited mobility or any food allergies/intolerances);

8) in the case of event management, as a rule, guests independently manage photographic images, however consent may be required to take photographs and record videos to be published on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter) for advertising and promotional purposes;